AASA is a US-based business providing complete Life Cycle support for Armored Vehicle Systems. We work with the United States Department of Defense First Tier Contractors, as well as other global Armored Vehicles manufacturers, to improve the design and safety of armored vehicles. We have been leaders in armor design assessment, finite element modeling and analysis of ballistic and landmine explosion event, and impact biomechanical analysis for over 20 years serving both national and international firms. Our clients include Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, Caterpillar Defense, FNSS Savunma Sistemleri, and US National Highway Safety Administration.
AASA’s Proven Methodology for Armor Design is Based on Three Pillars
- Assessment and evaluation of Mine Blast Testing Methods (Measurements & Activities).
- Assessment of Crew Safety Protection Criteria.
- Assessment and review of finite element modeling approach for structural & Crew Response.
- Assessment of Underbelly Add-on protection kits for armored tracked and wheeled vehicles.
- Assessment of Armored vehicle seat qualification, verification & Validation
- Reference Guidelines for mine blast testing.
- Modeling & Simulation Capabilities (Explosives Event Modeling, Terminal Ballistic Event Modeling, and Biomechanical Modeling)
- Crew Safety Injury Criteria.
- Various design approaches for developing Add-on Metallic and Composite material underbelly mine-protection for armored tracked and wheeled vehicles.
- From engineering and validation to production.
- Personnel Training for enhanced recommendations.
- floating walking floor sub-systems for light-weight armored vehicles to meet NATO STANAG standards, among others.



ATD -BioMechanical Testing

BAE - Bradley Fighting Machine