What We Do

Gain a significant strategic advantage!

Since 2001, AASA has served Government and commercial clients including several Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) agencies, Department of Defense (DOD), Department of Transportation (DOT), Department of Commerce, Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems, and others.

IT & Cloud Services

AASA offers a complete set of high-end IT Services including AWS support, Health IT & Electronics Records Management. We have a long history supporting Government and commercial clients.

Artificial Intelligence

AASA taps the power of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Language (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), Computervision, and Big Data to uncover insights, create trusted transactions, and employ learning in revolutionary, ethical, secure ways.


AASA is uniquely qualified to offer a wide range of Li-Fi-based solutions including bidirectional communication, accurate indoor positioning, IoT/underwater/V2X Communication, among others.

Armor Protection

AASA is a US-based business providing complete Life Cycle support for Armored Vehicle Systems. We work with the United States Department of Defense First Tier Contractors to improve the design and safety of armored vehicles.

Our Accreditation